Join & Union Data

Join & Union Data

Join & Union Data

Designing features for scientists to transform and analyze experiment data without having to learn code.


Product Designer




3 months

5 months


Shipped in 2024 🚢


I led 0-1 designs of data analysis tools, enabling scientists to transform data without coding.

"Benchling has spent 12 years helping companies digitize and get all their data in one place. The next 12 is helping them do something with that data.

— Sajith Wickramasekara, CEO & Co-Founder of Benchling

Benchling has excelled at gathering and storing scientific data, and its next milestone is empowering scientists to automate and analyze that data.

To support this vision, we launched the Insights Analysis product in June 2024. As one of the 3 designers behind this product launch, I was responsible for shaping two of the product's core functionalities: Join and Union datasets.


Today, scientists need SQL knowledge to transform and analyze their data on Benchling.

Our existing analytics tool, Insights Dashboards, required users to write SQL queries to extract data from Benchling. However, since most lab scientists aren’t familiar with SQL, the tool was inaccessible to our core user base. As a result, they relied on external software like Excel or Tableau to perform simple data transformations.


A First-class, No Code Flow to Combine Spreadsheet Data

Imagine trying to solve a puzzle—you need pieces from different boxes to see the whole picture. Joining datasets lets scientists combine related pieces of information to discover patterns, relationships, or answers they couldn’t find by looking at each dataset alone. It’s like bringing all the clues together to solve a mystery!


In January 2025, we officially launched our analysis features, moving out of beta.

Scientists can now analyze raw scientific data directly within Benchling, removing the need for external tools to process and compare results. These features improve data capture and analysis on Benchling, bringing us closer to our goal of empowering scientists to act on their data. A big win for lab scientists who don't know how to code!

Made with Framer and hot tea 🍵