Ascent Mobile

Ascent Mobile

Ascent Mobile

Designing a mobile app that makes it easier for students to manage and repay their loans.


Lead Designer


Ascent Funding


4 months


Live on App Store and Playstore 🚢


In 4 months, I designed a loan management app to reduce friction in students’ financial tasks.

Ascent Funding is a private loan organization that puts students first by providing student loans for college and consumer loans for bootcamps. As sole UX designer on the project, I collaborated with an external development agency to build a loan management app. The app is currently live on Google Playstore and App Store.



How can we easily let borrowers access and pay off their loans?

For the first version of our app, we decided to narrow down our focus for the first version of our app to two goals:

  1. Help existing loan borrowers keep track of their loan information

  2. Help loan borrowers to pay off their loans with ease

For the first version of our app, we decided to narrow down our focus for the first version of our app to two goals:

  1. Help existing loan borrowers keep track of their loan information

  2. Help loan borrowers to pay off their loans with ease

For the first version of our app, we decided to narrow down our focus for the first version of our app to two goals:

  1. Help existing loan borrowers keep track of their loan information

  2. Help loan borrowers to pay off their loans with ease

For the first version of our app, we decided to narrow down our focus for the first version of our app to two goals:

  1. Help existing loan borrowers keep track of their loan information

  2. Help loan borrowers to pay off their loans with ease


Introducing Ascent Mobile

🪐Stay in Orbit - Easily access upcoming payments and loan status

🪐Stay in Orbit - Easily access upcoming payments and loan status

🪐Stay in Orbit - Easily access upcoming payments and loan status

🪐Stay in Orbit - Easily access upcoming payments and loan status

💴 Making One-time Payment

💴 Making One-time Payment

💴 Making One-time Payment

💴 Making One-time Payment

🪙 Scheduling Recurring Payment

🪙 Scheduling Recurring Payment

🪙 Scheduling Recurring Payment

🪙 Scheduling Recurring Payment


+23.88 %

Loan repayment rate

Borrowers who use our app had a 23.84% higher on-time repayment rate than non-app users.


Establishing a Mobile Design System

The company has a pretty established design system for web. Since this is the first mobile product for the company, I worked alongside a designer on our design system team to adapt our web design system into our mobile app, ensuring cross-platform consistency.

When coming up new patterns for the mobile app, I also took a modular approach to design one universal pattern that can be modified to re-use for various use cases.


Co-ideation with Engineers

Since the company hired an external development agency to build the app, I needed to closely with the external developers throughout this project. To ensure my explorations were both feasible and scalable, I shared out designs early in the process so the engineers could surface immediate constraints and conduct light-weight tech planning.

Made with Framer and hot tea 🍵