Designing a mobile app that makes it easier for students to manage and repay their loans.
Lead Designer
Ascent Funding
4 months
Live on App Store and Playstore 🚢
In 4 months, I designed a loan management app to reduce friction in students’ financial tasks.
Ascent Funding is a private loan organization that puts students first by providing student loans for college and consumer loans for bootcamps. As sole UX designer on the project, I collaborated with an external development agency to build a loan management app. The app is currently live on Google Playstore and App Store.
How can we easily let borrowers access and pay off their loans?
Introducing Ascent Mobile
+23.88 %
Loan repayment rate
Borrowers who use our app had a 23.84% higher on-time repayment rate than non-app users.
Establishing a Mobile Design System
The company has a pretty established design system for web. Since this is the first mobile product for the company, I worked alongside a designer on our design system team to adapt our web design system into our mobile app, ensuring cross-platform consistency.
When coming up new patterns for the mobile app, I also took a modular approach to design one universal pattern that can be modified to re-use for various use cases.
Co-ideation with Engineers
Since the company hired an external development agency to build the app, I needed to closely with the external developers throughout this project. To ensure my explorations were both feasible and scalable, I shared out designs early in the process so the engineers could surface immediate constraints and conduct light-weight tech planning.
That was an overview of the project. If you'd like to learn more, let's get in touch!
Made with Framer and hot tea 🍵